
Product Details

Multi + Resveratrol is a balanced, high-potency, multi-nutrient formula based on nature’s superfoods.

Certain multivitamins deliver your minimum daily needs. Multi + Resveratrol goes beyond this – it delivers what you need for the maintenance of good health. Add to that Resveratrol and Chlorella, this product contains highly absorbable minerals chelates including trace elements, a balanced B-complex and support nutrient that no other multivitamin compares!

Who can benefit from Multi + Resveratrol?

Everyone can benefit from Multi + Resveratrol! Even if you try to eat well, getting the optimal amount of nutrition in your diet is very hard to achieve. Health experts have begun to realize that most people simply cannot eat well enough to meet their nutritional needs. In 2002, the American Medical Association stated:

Aside from meeting your daily needs, you would benefit from Multi + Resveratrol if:

  • You eat a restricted diet such as a vegetarian diet, low carbohydrate or low-calorie diet.
  • You are not eating the recommended number of servings of nutritious foods.
  • You have increased nutritional demands due to stress, illness, medications, or surgery.

*Multi + Resveratrol is vegicap and is free from preservatives, gluten, lactose, sugar and heavy metals.


Used as a vitamin, mineral and antioxidant supplement for the maintenance of good health, Multi + Resveratrol

  • Help the body to metabolize carbohydrates, fats and proteins.
  • Help the body produce red blood cells during tissue formation.
  • Help in the development and maintenance of bones, cartilage, teeth and gums.
  • Help provide support for a healthy glucose metabolism.
  • A source of vitamin A to help maintain eyesight and skin.

Multi + Resveratrol is a one-stop, broad spectrum daily supplement that outperforms the competition with superior potency and premium quality ingredients including resveratrol, a substance found in red wine.

Ingredients Highlight

21 vitamins, minerals and nutrients

Vitamin A, C, D and E

Multi + Resveratrol supplies you with healthy levels of these important vitamins. Especially important is that this formula provides 2500 IU of vitamin A (as beta-carotene) to help maintain eyesight and skin. You also get a full 800IU of vitamin D, which helps in calcium absorption.

Balanced B-complex

B vitamins like folic acid, B6, B12 and thiamine, are the nutrients that drive energy production in the body. Multi + Resveratrol provides a substantial dose of B vitamins to help you manage the energy demands of your day. This product also includes choline and inositol which are considered by many nutrition experts to be part of the B-complex vitamins.

Mineral Chelates

This product provides zinc, selenium, copper, manganese and chromium as highly-bioavailable chelates. Some of these minerals like zinc and selenium are important antioxidants which help to control hundreds of chemical reactions in the body. These minerals are a perfect complement to those found in Omical™, the only organic milk calcium from real milk.


Chlorella is a form of microscopic algae and one of the oldest life-forms on our planet. It is one of the first organisms to use chlorophyll to convert sunlight into energy. Chlorella is included in the formulation of Multi + Resveratrol because it provides a natural source of an incredible array of nutrients: proteins, essential amino acids, carbohydrates, vitamins, macrominerals, trace elements and phytochemicals. Chlorella is such an incredible source of nutrient, it has been nicknamed a “superfood”.


Resveratrol is a natural polyphenol that is found in grapes, raspberries, blueberries and red wine and has been shown to have antioxidant and anti-ageing activities.