Jesse Wayne Standing

July 29,2021

“Three years ago I was diagnosed with a liver problem for which there is no cure. The problem was not fatal but left me in a state of constant chronic fatigue. My medical doctor told me that I was very, very sick and that I would never get better. He said that all they could do was help me manage my condition. I refused to accept this as an absolute, and I subsequently turned to alternative medicines and therapies. Over the past 3 years, I have tried numerous herbs, vitamins, minerals, diets, exercises, etc. To assist in my constant battle with fatigue, I reached a state that was unbearable. I started on Immunocal® 2 weeks ago and had phenomenal results within 5 days. The effect exceeded anything else I had encountered by at least ten times. My energy has increased to levels 15 to 20 years ago, and I require 2 to 3 hours less sleep per night.”

Jesse Wayne Standing