“Dear Dr. Gutman, When you came to Tyler, Texas in June of 1998, I was a very sick diabetic. My body had rejected a kidney transplant. My eyes were getting weaker. A large sore on my foot was growing worse every week. It was so bad my doctor told me to prepare to have my foot amputated, for every week he was removing dead flesh. I was determined not to lose any more of my body.
When I spoke with you, you told me to start immediately on three packs of Immunocal® every day. WHAT A DIFFERENCE IT HAS MADE IN MY LIFE. In less than a week, my energy and strength came back and my customers told me my massages were like they were before I had the transplant. The foot sore stopped dying in less than a month. It is now almost fully healed.
I almost live on the protein from Immunocal®. It has made all my body function better. My blood work shows that I’m now more normal than before I started dialysis. No iron pills. No EPO hormones. No injections to increase my red blood cells. No blood pressure medication for the past four months. I run my “Touch of Health Wellness Centre” do massage therapy several hours a day, as well as overseeing colon cleansing through colonics.
Two months ago I was married. Life is great. I know I would not be alive today if I had not been introduced to Immunocal®. For me, it saved my life. Every diabetic should be taking Immunocal®! Thanks for your help.”
Donna Harris-Walls
Longview, Texas